
Friday, October 4, 2019

Relationship between christianity, judaism, and islam Research Paper

Relationship between christianity, judaism, and islam - Research Paper Example This word, historically and textually, is considered ambivalent since it can be interpreted as a simple struggle with one’s ego and it could also be interpreted as an act of physical violence against the infidels. Muslims were always accused of waging war against the non-believers. They were not the only ones that have waged wars in the name of religion because even Jews and Christians did.2 Dr. M. Amir Ali argued in this respect that â€Å"jihad is usually associated with Islam and Muslims, but in fact the concept of Jihad is found in all religions including Christianity, Judaism and political/economic ideologies†¦Islam defines Jihad as striving and struggling for improvement as well as fighting back to defend one’s self, assets and homeland.†3 Oddly, in the Christian tradition, Jesus is relegated to the level of God and he is viewed as the savior of all humankind. However, in Islam he is seen as a Prophet who was entrusted to fulfill God’s mission on earth. Very often, such difference in creeds lead to religious conflicts as every religion strives its best and utmost to impose its creeds amidst people. This is why it is recommended that a spirit of respect and tolerance should be developed in order to help these Abrahamic faiths co-exist. Theologian and religious scholars have therefore to consecrate all the efforts in order to reconsider the wrong meaning of Jihad and correct some falsehoods that are relevant to some versions of the

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