Monday, March 4, 2019
ââ¬ÅPride and Prejudiceââ¬Â by Jane Austin Essay
Contrast and match the two wedlock plans make to Elizabeth bennet in the novel Mr collins design to Elizabeth and Darcys intention to ElizabethJane Austen lived in a bourgeois beingness and this is reflected in her novel. In Pride and Prejudice no secret is made of the need to link up for cash. Jane Austen reflects different types of marriage in her novel. in that respect is mercenary marriage, brought a cycle solely for sparing modestnesss. Such would vex been the marriage between Mr collins and Elizabeth. Mr collins marriage end was fuelled by his own scotch motives, disposition to enthr exclusively the aristocratic doll Catherine and by Mrs Bennets economic fears that Elizabeth result inherit belittled currency when her father dies non rattling feelings or whatsoever aspect of experience. Contrasting this is the ideal marriage. Marriages rationally founded, ground on, excellent down the stairsstanding, and, general similarity of feeling and taste, (Ch apter 55) Such is the marriage between Darcy and Elizabeth. Although Elizabeth refused Darcys runner plan, it was ultimately made because of true steamy feelings, respect and respect for Elizabeth.The main background for Mr collins selection of a married char in Elizabeth is economic convenience. Her come alongthers house is entailed to him. By marrying Mr collins, Elizabeths family depart non be left without a home. Many aspects of Mr collinss marriage offer reflect his neglect of feeling. The kickoff being how the proposal comes about. He comes to Hertfordshire, with the design of selecting a wife, and he ironically feels that his choosing one from Longbourn was, munificent on his own part, due to the estate being entailed to him. Any madam form Longbourn provide suffice. Elizabeth was non fifty-fifty his prototypical choice, provided Jane was debated to be soon united with Mr Bingley.He admits to Elizabeth that the house is a motive for his choice, proving that his proposal is overleapd by economic convenience non make love. His proposal was farthermost from a spontaneous act of love. It was planned and his choice designed with Mrs Bennet. Elizabeth was neaten awargon of his intentions, and tries urgently to avoid being put in a position where they can come out. only once laboured to by her mother, Elizabeth wishesto, get it over as soon and quietly as possible. Elizabeth adjoinmingly does non hold feelings for Mr collins and takes no pleasure in his proposal. at that place is a virtuoso that Mr collins talking by with(predicate) a amaze of words throughout his proposal. He addresses Mrs Bennet with prominent formality, it vows a awareness that he has pre-designed his address to her. Mr collins is following the rules, saying what he is vatic to say non what he feels. His whole proposal to Elizabeth gives a spirit of an order of service, with a script that could be applied to any typesetters case. The name and address is rattling im purposel. Mr collins talks of, spring chicken ladies, your sex. There is exceedingly little work forcetion of Elizabeths calibre or Mr collinss admiration for it. It feels as though Mr Collins could apply his speech to anybody, and later does with Charlotte.The issue of Mr Collinss dialogue throughout his proposal is rattling unadorned in its lack of feeling. He begins by stating his reasons for marriage. His first reason it that he feels he should, Sick Equation the workout of matrimony. he gestates marriage impart add to his pleasure, and skirt Catherine told him, Mr Collins, you moldinessiness marry. A clergy populace like you must marry. Mr Collins wants a good little wife to use as a in additionl to improve his public image. He talks of how a marriage give please him. He does non talk bout how the union between him and Elizabeth depart bring him striking happiness. It does not be who his bride is, as all he wants is a wife, to improve his place and please madam Catherine he does not have to have feelings for her. It could be verbalise that Mr Collinss superlative incentive to marry is to please Lady Catherine.He is being forced into a proposal by another(prenominal) woman, not true feelings. Although there is a mention of his feelings, Mr Collins talks of how, the violence, of his affections would over savor the go throughside to marrying Elizabeth . Not how violently he respects and admires her. Darcys proposal is a complete contrast in its emotional conflict. The whole proposal is much to a greater extent(prenominal) dynamic and there are distinctly intemperate emotions and feelings involved. Darcy immediately tells Elizabeth he loves her. Wards are used much(prenominal) as, and worryd port, the show rose, became pale with anger, wound complete phase of the moony great, these clearly demonstrate dynamic, strong feelings. They illustrate the greater depth of feeling felt throughoutDarcys proposal than in that of Mr Collins.Mr Collins proposal was mainly render by the great convenience in Elizabeth marrying Mr Collins. merely Darcys proposal is very far from convenient. Although technically in the same class, Darcy is viewed to be much above Elizabeth in society and a marriage between them would not be viewed as idea. Mr Collins is following the rules in his proposal talking to Mrs Bennet, saying what he is supposed to and begining to please Lady Catherine. In contrast Darcy is compelled by his feelings to opening the rules, by not doing what society expects of him.Mr Collins proposal was greatly fueled by Lady Catherine and his desire to improve his standing in society. However Darcy is fueled by his feelings to go against society and potentially decrease his easily-disposed standing. Darcys true love for Elizabeth catch up withs all the soci subject reasons for not marrying E. Darcy is a very strong denotation, all the same he struggled, in vain, to overcome his fe elings. Darcys feelings managed to overcome him. Showing their susceptibility and power.Their proposals act as a great insight into the character of Mr Collins and Darcy. Mr Collins proposal greatly shows what is grand to him. The thing of great magnificence to him, specifyms to be money and connections. His public persona is very important, he was to marry to improve it and please Lady Catherine. Mr Collins sees money and senior high connections with people such(prenominal) as Lady Catherine as reasons for happiness and why Elizabeth should marry him. He does not appear to visit that not all(prenominal)one is as materialistic as him. Mr Collins is driven into his proposal by economic reasons and Lady Catherine, which seem more important to him than love.The importance of high standing people such as Lady Catherine to Mr Collins is in addition very apparent in his proposal. He is clearly obsess by her high social military position. He wants to marry because Lady Catherine tells him, A clergyman like you must marry. He allows her to choose what type of woman he should marry, a woman, active and useful, not brought up high, but able to make a small income go a good modality. Lady Catherine tells Mr Collins to choose a woman with these characters, not just for Mr Collins sake but for her own. Mr Collins allows another womans wishes to dominate his choice ina wife. Perhaps Lady Catherines feelings are more important to him than his own or his potential wife.One of the greatest things Mr Collins can offer seems to be Lady Catherine. He says to Elizabeth, I do not reckon the notice and kindness of Lady Catherine as among the least of the advantages in my power to offer. This again demonstrates Mr Collins lack of wisdom of the fact that not every one feels high connection and money to be the greatest importance in life. As wellspring as money and connections Mr Collins banks Lady Catherine to be more important than love.Mr Collins personality traits a re as well as portrayed very well in his proposals. He is un go by Elizabeths refusal and continually refuses to use up it. His first reaction is to dismiss the refusal, with a formal wave of the hand. He believes, it is rough-cut with young ladies to reject the addresses of the man whom they secretly mean to accept. He becausece goes on to say, give me leave to flatter myself, theat he believes Elizabeths refusal, is yet words of course. he clearly has an extremely high opinions and an over federal agency in himself and his line in life he simply cannot believe why anyone would not wish to be a part of that. scorn great efforts from Elizabeth to convince him otherwise, Mr Collins still leaves his encounter iwth Elizabeth, believing, his proposals get out not fail of being acceptable. it is greatly apparent that Mr Collins is too fruitless to accept Elizabeths strong refusal. He is deluded comme il faut to believe himself and Lady Catherine as irresistible to Elizabeth , and pull up stakes not believe it when she manages to revisit them. He goes as far as too view the refusal as encouragement.There are further aspects of his proposal exposing Mr Collins character. He explains his second reason for marrying as being to add very greatly to my happiness. This add to the partial of him as egoistical and self obsessed. He does not make any secret of his motives for marrying as being Lady Catherine and the convenience of a marriage between him and a lady from Longbourn. He is again too deluded to see that saying this would not impress Elizabeth and says, I flatter myself it will not sink me in your esteem. There is a genius that he has such a high opinion of himself, he feels that it does not matter what he says, Elizabeth will want to marry him. He is even deluded tolerable to believe Elizabeth should be grateful for his proposal he speaks to Elizabeth with great contempt and fails to interpret that this may displease her not encourage her to mar ry him.He tells Elizabeth that her, with and vivacity, will be, tempered with the silence and respect which her rank will inevitably excite, when talking about Lady Cather. Implying that Elizabeth should be extremely intimidated by virtuallyone such as Lady Cather. He later goes on to slander Elizabeth by telling her, Your portion is unhappily so small that it will in all likelihood undo the effects of your loveliness and kind qualifications. he is clearly too deluded and foolish to realize insults are not the way to a womans heart.Much of Darcy character is also revealed in his proposal. He is clearly not used to feeling the way that he feels. He first, sat down for a few atomic number 42s, then walked about the room. He is on the face of it unaware of how to deal with this situation. He came toward Elizabeth, in an agitated manner. Darcy is far form his usual character of cool composure. He has clearly been make a motiond by visible feelings unlike Mr Collins.Darcy shows that money and lieu are important to him as well. He says, In vain I have struggled and in spite of all his endeavors, Darcy cannot overcome his feelings and must extinguish them to E. Unlike Mr Collins Darcy talks of his great affections for Elizabeth. However just as Mr Collins Darcy also talks of money and connections. His speech is described as being, not more eloquent on the subject of tenderness than of pride. although money and status are undoubtedly very important to Darcy, unlike Mr Collins, he proves that love and happiness are more important to him.Darcy is portrayed as being very honest. He gives Elizabeth the plentiful story of his affections the good and the deleterious. He makes not attempt to deny his actions in trying to separate Mr Bingly from Elizabeths sister, even though he must be aware that it will damage Elizabeths opinion of him. The fact that Darcy is willing to give Elizabeth the full story, reflects the openness and extent of Darcys feelings for Eli zabeth.Darcy is much more realistic and down to earth than Mr Collins. He is not toodeluded to realize that the insults of Elizabeths family will damage her pride and upset her. However Darcy respects Elizabeth, and feels it better to give her the full story. Darcy is not too conceited to hear Elizabeths refusal. He accepts it and is clearly moved by it. His, complexion became pale with anger, and he struggles, for the bearing of composure. He stops Elizabeth and, hastily left the room. Despite his higher status than Mr Collins, Darcy is not too self absorbed as to not believe Elizabeths rejection as being real.Darcy his giving everything to E. He gives her the full story. He shows her all his feelings and vulnerably puts his entire self out on the line. By exposing himself so openly, he wants the great gift of love and happiness. However Mr Collins proposal in comparison is very superficial. He is not searching for lover or a joyous union between man and wife, but selfishly, and improved social standing for himself.As well as contrasts some similarities can be found between eh two proposals. some(prenominal) Mr Collins and Darcy assume a positive outcome to their proposal and an credenza of their offer. It is apparent that Mr Collins is so ceratin of acceptance, as he is os greatly conceited and believes that what he can offer will be unavoidably tempting to Elizabeth she will not be able to refuse. However there is a sense that Darcys assumption is based on other reasons. It feels as though, Darcys feelings are so strong and have been so overpowering that he has not thought of refusal. Perhaps he feels that it would not be possible for him to feel so strongly for her, if Elizabeth did not feel the same. Although he assumes acceptance, when Darcy is faced with refusal he accepts it very readily, unlike Mr Collins.In their proposals both Mr Collins and Darcy inflict pain on Elizabeths pride by reminding her of her vulnerable social situation. Mr Collins is willing to over look Elizabeths poor fortune. Darcy has been forced by his true love to overcome his question about Elizabeths social standing. Mr Collins sees economic reasons, his high connections, his ability to improve, Elizabeths social standing, and his opportunity to improve his social status by obtaining a wife, as reasons for marriage, not the opportunity oflove and happiness. Darcy however does not try to use his ability to improve Elizabeths economic situation as reasons for her accepting his hand. Darcy sees the questionable economic and social situation as a reason for not marrying Elizabeth . In contrast to Mr Collins he sees the potential for love and happiness as the fuel for marriage, not money. It is because of this that he is able to overcome his pride and propose.We can also obtain many aspects of Elizabeths character, from her behavior during and reaction to the two different proposals. Elizabeth is clearly very sensible. When Mr Collins presses for time exc lusively with Elizabeth she immediately knows what is going on, and tries desperately to avoid it. Unlike maybe some of her younger sisters she is not naive, and does not simply desire for male company. Elizabeth later goes on to asset the sense of her character, by responding to Mr Collins ridiculous assumptions that Elizabeths refusals is just part of a game that many young women play, by saying, I do match you that I am not one of those young ladies, (if such young ladies that are) who are so daring as to risk there happiness on the chance of being asked a second time. Elizabeth is clearly too sensible to play such games. She is not so stupid as to risk true love and happiness, and maybe too sensible to see how anyone could be so insensible as to do so.As well as sensible Elizabeth comes across as very civil and direct headed. She does not cause a scene, does not loudly refuse Mr Collins and revoke his insults. In stead she wishes to finish the ordeal as quickly and, as quietly as possible. At first Mr Collins declaration of his love makes Elizabeth, so near laughing that she could not use the petty pause he allowed in any attempt to stop him farther. this reflects Elizabeths light spirited character and good sense of humor. Despite Mr Collins constant quantity disbelieve of the reality of Elizabeths refusal, Elizabeth still tarrys shut up and civil. She does not appear as ill-tempered and is perhaps sensible enough to realize that becoming upset and excited will not suffice the situation. She attempts to blame her refusal on herself and lack of ability to please Lady Catherine. She says to Mr Collins. were your admirer Lady Catherine to know me, I am persuaded she would find me in every respect ill qualified. She does not personally insult Mr Collins, but preferably attemptsto find excuse for her denying his proposal. This again reflects her civil character.It seems as though Elizabeth does not like insulting confrontations with people. She is de sperate to leave her encounter with Mr Collins under good conditions. However Mr Collins continues to persist in his proposal. Despite attempts to stick civil, as Mr Collins continues to reuses the reality of her refusal Elizabeth becomes more agitated. She cries to Mr Collins, with some warmth, your puzzle me exceedingly, Elizabeth is seemingly too sensible for such foolishness and silly games and they clearly agitate her. However instead of insults, Elizabeth reverts to her trade mark irony as she becomes more angry. It is a reflection on her good personality a strength that she trunk so calm during such an infuriating ordeal.Elizabeths connection in intellect and sense with her father is revealed at the end of the proposal. Elizabeth acknowledges that she will not be able to convince Mr Collins and immediately sound offs of her father. Sh knows that his character is just as sensible as her own, and unlike her mother, her father will not make her marry such an obsurd man.Many of the aspect of Elizabeths character are also revealed in Darcys proposal. As with Mr Collins Elizabeth did not want to see Md. However this is due to her scorn of his character not even her sense could foresee this proposal. After Darcy beings his proposal, he views Elizabeths silence as, sufficient encouragement, to continue. This agin reflects Elizabeths strength of character. She is clearly recognized by Darcy as a woman with strong mind and opinions.Elizabeth was at first sorry for the pain he was to receive. This shows that Elizabeth is a compassionate character. Although she deeply dislikes Darcy she is not so spiteful as to wish to inflict any pain on him. Elizabeth evidently feels much more emotion throughout Darcys proposals. Phrases are used such as, color rose into her cheeks, she was roused to resentments, she lost all compassion in anger. However despite heightened emotions, Elizabeth still tries to remain patients and composed. It is clearthe Elizabeth feels much mo re for Darcy. She is much more personal in her responses to him. She Darcy, I have never desired you good opinion. She makes no secret of her dislike for him.She informs Darcy that it is not only his proposal on which her, dislike was founded. Elizabeth is clearly very passionate about Darcy, even if she does not like him. She is insulted by him, and cannot remains so civil as with Mr Collins. She cannot brush away Darcys insults as she can with Mr Collins. This is all because she feels for Darcy and does not for Mr Collins. Elizabeth clearly cares deeply for her family, as she in particular struggles for composure, after Darcy confirms his actions causing hurt to Elizabeths sister Jane.As well as the creditable aspects of her character, Elizabeths greatest disfigurement is also displayed. Her fault being prejudice. She bases her deep, deep dislike of Darcy, on the opinions she formed of him after their first meeting. In her final dialogue of Darcys proposal Elizabeth says, from t he first moment I may almost say, of my acquaintance with you, your manners impressing me with the fullest belief of your arrogance, your conceit, and your selfish disdain. Because of this opinion Elizabeth automatically believes Wickhams story. The believe of his story, sublime Elizabeths bad opinion of Darcy, and greatly fueled her dislike. Elizabeth does not even think to recall her view of Darcy may be incorrect. She does not hesitate in pocket her insults at him and shows great prejudice towards him.Elizabeth does not acknowledge the feelings of either of the men proposing to her. She knows she will not make Mr Collins happy. Elizabeth believes that after Darcy has exposed his love to Elizabeth he, can have little difficulty in overcoming it. Elizabeth appears completely innate to the stir she has cause in d. The reflects her modesty. She does not have an over inflated image of herself and is too sensible to feel that men should always pass away in love with her.Throughout both proposals, despite being annoyed, kindle and hurt, Elizabeth always tries to retains her composure. Although this is a merit to her strength of character, it could also be see in a different way. Perhaps Elizabeth tries to remains calm because she cares aobut what othersthink of her. She does not want to be viewed as ill-tempered or het up headed. Instead as the civil sensible character, that she is.I feel the greatest tribute to Elizabeths strength of character, is her refusal of both proposals. She proves herself to be, much wiser and much more confident than Charlotte Lucas, who accept Mr Collins proposal. Elizabeth will not just marry for convince and the safe entail of Longbourn. Elizabeth shows that she is too strong to be swayed into acceptance, by a rich husband and a lavish existence. Unlike Mr Collins, Mrs Bennet and Charlotte Lucas, Elizabeth proves that love and happiness are the most important thing to her, not economy and status love will be the only reason why she will marry.Typically, Mrs Bennet is reflected very badly in her attempt of match making. In discussion with Mr Collins, Mrs Bennett assumes that Elizabeth will accept Mr Collins proposals. This shows that both feel money and connections are suitable reasons for accepting a marriage. The both assume that Elizabeth also views status as more important than love. Mrs Bennett does not think to consider the feelings of her daughter. She overlooks Elizabeths discomfort and vexation, and continues to pressure Elizabeth into time alone with Mr Collins. This implies that to Mrs Bennett improved social connections, the secure knowledge that her house will remain in her family, are more important than the feelings of her family. This is later supported by Mrs Bennetts reaction to Elizabeths refusal.She refuses to talk to Elizabeth for what she has done. This probes that Mrs Bennett attaches a greater apprise to status, than to love and enjoyment of her family. There is a sense that she wi shes to be the boss. whatsoever she tells her children to do is right and must be done. However she does not have the wit or intellect to command such control. Instead, just as a child, she sulks when her authority is not followed. Elizabeth maintenance of a civil manner throughout the proposals, shows that she is more sociably acceptable than her mother. Despite Mrs Bennetts constant attempts to improve her social standing.One of the Jane Austens greatest tricks, is her ability to alter her scriptto influence the reviewer into feeling what she wants them to feel. This is very apparent in the two proposals. For Mr Collins proposals, Jane Austen includes the full dialogue of his declaration. This has great effect. By including the full script of Mr Collins dialogue it enhances the effect that Mr Collins is talking through a script. You get the full flavor of his pre-designed speech and the extent of his lack of feeling.Jane Austen uses the opposiet tactic achieving an opposite effe ct for Darcys proposal. She does not write the full dialogue of Darcys proposal. Instead she depicts the events in a narrative form. This helps to remark the reader like towards d. Elizabeths fault is prejudice and Darcy is pride. Due to his nature and the society hie lives in Darcy will inevitably damage Elizabeths pride with insults towards her status. However these are not included in the dialogue. So the reader comes to respect Darcy for telling a true story of his love but without disliking him for rude conceited remarks, as with Mr Collins.There is a further effect form the authorial comments. The ending to Mr Collins proposal, leaves a defined finality to the situation. Although Mr Collins leaves convinced they will marry, Elizabeth knows otherwise. She will apply to her father, who will make no doubt of the fact that Elizabeth does not wish to accept Mr Collinss proposals. Elizabeth does not reflect on his proposal and there is no question that she does not feel for Mr Col lins. However with Darcy it is different. Elizabeth is definitely moved by his proposal. She sat down and cried for half and hour. She considered her meeting with Darcy, in very agitated reflections until the sound of Lady Catherines carriage. There is no sense of finality to Darcys proposal or Elizabeths feelings. As the reader is aware that Elizabeths passionate hatred is founded on prejudice, you cannot help but wonder that if she were to over come her fault, her passion towards Darcy might change.It is clear through the proposals that women did not always have a very high standing. For some women were simply interchangeable. For example when Mr Collins finds that Jane is taken he immediately move his marital interests to Elizabeth. It appears that women did not always have a high enoughstanding to even choose their partner in marriage. Some women were forced into marriage not by love or choice, but by family and the pressure to increase or maintain a social reputation. For examp le Mrs Bennett attempts to force Elizabeth into marrying Mr Collins.. It is not all women who have Elizabeths strength of character not to be pushed, for example Charlotte did not. It appears that women could sometimes be the victim of emotional blackmail.For example Mr Collins tires to convince Elizabeth to marry him by telling her that it is incredible any one else will offer, as her, portion is unhappily so small. Mr Collins proposal also suggests that what women said in reply to a proposal did not always matter. Mr Collins finally resigns himself to saying that even if Elizabeth continues to refuse, her mother will ensure a marriage. However Darcys proposal contradicts this. Darcy takes note and respects Elizabeths refusal. He make no attempts to cloud or pressure her as he realises she does not love him. both(prenominal) proposals reflect the great importance of money and class when it comes to marriage. Mr Collins proposal was fueled by economic and social reasons. It appear s that to some these are straightforward enough reasons for marriage. Mr Collins tells, your portions is unhappily so small that it will in all likelihood undo the effects of your loveliness and amiable qualifications. This implies that many would feel, class many would feel, class, money and connections to be more important than admiration of the other, when in search of a bride. Even Darcy who feels genuine love for Elizabeth, must mention money. In the society of the time, money and class are such important issues that Darcy cannot let them escape when proposing. Although it is revealed that money is very important when it comes to marriage, it is also apparent that true gentlemen such a Mr Darcy will not pass off to snobbery, they can overcome economic situations, because they have the correct moral construe to know that love is most important.
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